Maintenance of urban spaces

Playback time: 1 min 14

Joker désherbage mécanique allées de château

The Joker Lawn Comb is a versatile tool that will enable you to carry out several operations on the different surfaces you wish to maintain, whether they are natural grass, mineral or gravel.

For use on natural grass surfaces

Joker is highly effective for the maintenance and renovation of grassed surfaces.

With the optional comb kit, you can carry out de-mossing, de-thatching and mechanical weeding operations.

The Joker digs out and brings to the surface all that is parched and poorly rooted, making way for the development of good grasses.

After this cleaning work, relining is highly recommended: with the seeding kit kit, the operation is quick and easy.

The lawn will be denser, limiting the development of undesirable plants.


Finally, with the brush kit “option, you can level surfaces.

For use on mineral surfaces


The Joker is equipped with a brush kit for levelling surfaces.

The teeth restore flatness and crumble the material, then sweep away to leave an impeccable finish.

Kit désherbage

For mechanical weeding, you can use the weeding kit, comprising knives and a brush.

The tines on the main platter loosen the surface and bring unwanted leaves to the front. The knives scalp and uproot the plant matter. Then the broom gathers the waste, levels it and separates the plant from the mineral.

For use on gravel surfaces


For use on gravel surfaces, the Joker is equipped with a ” brush kit “.

This will level the surface and restore flatness.

The grit will be brought to the surface by the action of the teeth, and the fine material will sink back down, guaranteeing a clean, neat surface.

With Joker, you have a simple, effective and versatile solution for all your surfaces!